It's been a fairly victorious month for animals around the world:
Commercial fishing was banned in the Arctic.
Unilever (the world's second largest brand of beauty products like Dove) is ending cosmetic testing on animals.
California State Assembly passed bill SB 1249, which will make it illegal to sell products or include ingredients in the state that have been tested on animals.
Diane von Furstenberg’s namesake brand, DVF, has become the latest luxury fashion company to commit to stopping production and use of fur.
The UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs is in the process of banning both legal and illegal ivory trade.

I say "fairly" victorious because, while these movements are steps in the right direction to end animal cruelty and preserve species extinction, we still have a long way to go.
Here are 5 things we can do now to create change by being a voice for animals.
Vote. Get to know your state representatives and support those that are actively voicing concerns about animal welfare and the environment.
Sign petitions. Many laws are passed because consumers make their voice heard by signing petitions that go to state representatives who then introduce bills and policies to their Assembly. Sign up for animal welfare organizations' legislative alerts. Some of my favorites: Humane Society International, Humane Society of the United States, Best Friends Animal Society, In Defense of Animals, World Animal News, One Green Planet, International Fund for Animals, World Animal Protection—just to name a few!
Know the products you're purchasing and don't purchase those that test on animals. Unilever is just one company who is leading the beauty industry by choosing to implement cruelty-free practices. Many other well-know companies are still using painful cosmetic testing on rabbits, guinea pigs, cats and more. Check out PETA's cruelty free list to see if your brand made the cut. Here are some brands that do test on animals.
Spread the word. Awareness brings action. Many animal cruelty practices go unnoticed, but once they're exposed, spread the word! Personally, I find that most people want to know the truth and prefer to support companies and practices that are doing good for animals and the environment. It's just a matter of awareness so that we all can take action.
Donate. Organizations fighting for animals' rights can't get laws passed without funding. Ask for donations in lieu of birthday gifts, create a fundraiser or donate a dollar a week—no amount is too small.
Take the global pledge to #BeCrueltyFree HERE!
What else would you suggest and what organizations do you follow that take action for animals?