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Coronavirus Survival Kit: 5 Simple Steps to Health at Home

Writer: Nichole Dandrea-RussertNichole Dandrea-Russert

Updated: May 30, 2022

By now you're most likely working from home, balancing the future of uncertainty with work, on top of trying to keep the kids entertained. Oh, and then there are the fur kids who want ALL of your attention ALL of the time. (I mean, can you blame them? This is a dream come true for them! How often is it that you're home 24/7?)

Stress can wreak havoc on the body, whether it's physical (lack of activity, inflammatory foods, environmental toxins and nasty bugs) or mental (fear of the unknown, difficulty in managing the change in schedule, anxiety and worry about loved ones). Now, more than ever, it's important to cultivate healthy habits for your mind, body and soul.

The good news? There are some really simple things you can do while you're home (and include the kids!). Some of these things take less than five minutes—that's very little time in exchange for a colossal amount of mind and body power that will serve you and your family today and throughout your lifetime.

1. Start a 2-minute meditation practice

You literally can do this anywhere and at any time. Personally, I like to meditate first thing in the morning before the chaos of the day begins, plus it clears my head and sets the {{positive}} pace for the day. Several years ago, I decided to commit to only two minutes a day since my go-to habits included not sitting still, a racing mind and easily being distracted ("Chicken!"). Two minutes sounded painful. Gradually, I bumped that up to five minutes, then ten, then fifteen. Now, twenty minutes feels really lovely (kind of like a mini-getaway vacation of the mind). There are some days that I want to jump out of bed and dive straight into work, but I find that, if I stay committed to this practice, there are major rewards throughout the day like less reactivity to situations, more creativity, better productivity and overall a greater sense of well-being. Many times, if I'm not "feeling it" I'll tell myself "Just do five minutes" and before I know it twenty minutes has passed.

Here are some great apps to get started:

2. Use positive affirmations

What negative thought patterns give you a heavy, not-so-good feeling? Some examples might include:

  • "I'm not good enough"

  • "I look awful"

  • "I'm afraid of the future"

  • "I hate my body"

  • "I shouldn't have done that"

  • "I would if I had the time, but ..."

Whatever the negative thought in your head, try creating a statement that is the exact opposite.

  • Instead of "I'm not good enough" try "I am enough"

  • Instead of "I look awful" look in the mirror and try "I am beautiful" or "I love my ____" (insert what you love about yourself)"

  • Instead of "I'm afraid of the future" try "I embrace change and have everything I need to move into the future with confidence and strength"

  • Instead of saying "I hate my body" try "I accept and love my body"

  • Instead of saying "I shouldn't have done that" try "I did the best I could"

  • Instead of saying "I would if I had the time, but ..." try "I make the time for things that are good for my health"

When you change what you're saying, your mind perceives things differently. When you practice positive affirmations daily, you'll start to notice a shift in thought patterns and daily healthy habits start to form. It's pretty magical! Try it. Whenever you notice a negative thought pop up, flip the statement into something positive and notice how your mind and body feel.

3. Start a home yoga practice

This is the time to start! What's awesome is that kids (including pet kids) can join you on the mat. Not only are you cultivating healthy habits for yourself, but for your family as well. There are so many FREE online resources that really there are no excuses, right? ;) Below are a few awesome online yoga classes. By the way, you don't have to commit to an hour a day. Just like meditation, whatever you can do is fabulous! Five minutes? Great! Ten, fifteen — any type and any amount of movement can help to shake off the anxiety of change, create an open body (which translates to an open mind) and decrease stress and inflammation.

4. Stock up on healing plant-based foods

By now you've stocked up on food. If you haven't, umm...good luck. Just kidding — there's actually still tons of fresh produce, whole grains, dried beans and peas, nuts and seeds and plant-based milks available—at least from what I've seen in Atlanta. Just remember, when you go to the grocery store, practice safe measures like washing your hands, using hand sanitizer and wearing a mask. Now's a great time to try those plant-based meals you've been wanting to make. Get your kids involved and try to have fun in the kitchen in light of all that's happening. Nutrient-dense plant-based foods may relieve anxiety, keep you grounded and decrease inflammation that is a result of stress. Here's more information on immune-boosting spices and herbs and below are a few favorite immune-boosting recipes.

Rosie was a shelter pet, now in a great home!

5. Love Your Pet or Foster a Shelter Pet

Studies show that pets can physically heal through their unconditional love and connection. When you cuddle with your pet, stress hormones decrease, feel good hormones increase, blood pressure decreases, the risk of heart disease may decrease and more. If you have a pet, you know this well. If you don't have a pet, don't worry—you can temporarily foster one! Shelters and rescues are also feeling the impact of COVID-19. They are seeing less adoptions, more intakes and less staff able to work and care for the animals. There is a plea for foster families across the nation right now. Visit Best Friends Animal Society to find a local shelter or rescue near you and inquire about fostering a pet today. Not only will fostering make you feel good and create better health, but you'll be literally saving a life.

What are you doing to keep your mind and body healthy during this uncertain time?

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